About Me
I am a research assistant professor and the IEMS alumni fellow at McCormick School of Engineering at Northwestern University. Here is my CV.
Before joining Northwestern, I was a PhD student under Vinayak Rao and Harsha Honnappa at Purdue University. Here is a link to my thesis.
My main research areas include: Statistical inference of controlled Markov chains, Sparsistency and support recovery in high dimension problems, and Bandits. I am also interested in statistical inference on non-Euclidean geometries: Such as Riemannian manifolds.
Prior to joining Purdue, I completed my Bachelors and Masters in Statistics from Indian Statistical Institute. My Master’s specialization was in Mathematical Statistics.
My Erdős number is 4. Imon Banerjee —> Jean Honorio —> Tommi Jakkola —> Noga Alon —> Paul Erdős
imon dot banerjee dot northwestern dot edu