My current and ongoing projects

Ongoing Work

  1. Banerjee, I., So, T., & Klabjan, D. (2025+). Typical Behavior of Weak Mixing Recurrent Controlled Markov Chains. (Preprint on request)
  2. Banerjee, I., Honnappa, H., & Rao, V. A. (2024+). Adaptive Estimation of the Transition Densities of Controlled Markov Chains. (Preprint on request)

Submitted/Published Work

  1. Banerjee, I., Gurvich, I. (2025). Goggin’s Corrected Kalman Filter: Guarantees and Filtering Regimes. Preprint
  2. Banerjee, I., Chakraborty, S. (2025). CLT, Edgeworth Expansion, and Hall’s Phenomenon for m-out-of-n Bootstrap Estimators of The Studentized Sample Median. Preprint
  3. Banerjee, I., Honnappa, H., & Rao, V. A. (2025). Offline Estimation of Controlled Markov Chains: Minimaxity and Sample Complexity. Operations Research. doi: 10.1287/opre.2023.0046
  4. Banerjee, I., & Honorio, J. (2023). Meta Sparse Principal Component Analysis. Major Review, TMLR. Preprint
  5. Banerjee, I., Rao, V. A., & Honnappa, H. (2021). PAC-Bayes Bounds on Variational Tempered Posteriors for Markov Models. Approximate Bayesian Inference, Entropy, 23(3), 313. Entropy
  6. Banerjee, I., Mullick, S. S., & Das, S. (2019). On Convergence of the Class Membership Estimator in Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27(6), 1226-1236. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems